
Fandom is the world's largest entertainment & gaming fan platform. We help 350 million people worldwide go deeper on their favorite games, entertainment and culture with unique tools, memorable experiences, original content and commerce. We reach more fans, across more fandoms, than anyone. And we do it all for the love of fans.

Fandom is a fan's constant companion as they explore, celebrate and engage with their favorite fictional worlds.


Our communities are a one-stop-shop for both existing and new fans to explore their fandoms, diving deep on stories, characters and lore.

Advertising Monthly Fans 2022 Q4

We're a resource to fans in 80 languages across 200 countries - including the Vatican City (It seems someone has been bingeing the Young Pope?)

250k Fan Communities

From Halo Infinite to Hulu Originals, Game of Thrones to Golden Girls, fans have come together to build communities on our platform for just about every movie, tv show, video game or cultural phenomenon out there.

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Fans use our platform to document their favorite fictional worlds, creating millions of pages of specific content. How specific? We have 74 pages about the furniture of Star Wars alone.


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Gaming Users Globally
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Video Games Catalogued
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Gaming Questions Answered Per Month

Gaming Brands Fans Love

Fandom offers gamers tools, content, and experiences to help them power up.

Entertainment Brands Fans Trust

Fandom helps fans get closer to the entertainment they love.


Fandom's award-winning content team is behind some of the most beloved fan-centric video series on the internet.

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Social Followers
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Minutes Watched
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Monthly Views

Fandom creates videos that help fans celebrate all the things they love about entertainment - whether we dive into a professional psych evaluation on a super villain, recap everything you need to know before streaming the new season of a hit series or rate the tastiest foods ever to appear in a video game, we're finding new, fan-friendly ways to dig deeper on all your favorites..

Honest Trailers

Honest Trailers is an Emmy-nominated series that reimagines movie trailers if they were brutally honest. After 400 episodes, and extensions into gaming and streaming, Honest Trailers have built a strong following, with more than 7M subscribers, more than 1M streams per episode, and cameos from some of the biggest voices in entertainment including Ryan Reynolds and Patton Oswalt.

Honest Trailers


When news breaks in the world of entertainment and gaming, Fandom's top-notch social team is there, delivering vital information, hot takes, and tasty memes.

Fandom Live & Virtual Events

A core part of the fan experience is coming together with others to celebrate shared interests.- Fandom has fans covered, both virtually and IRL. Fandom's live events give fans the connection and immersion they crave around their favorite entertainment. And when meeting up IRL just isn't an option, we also offer a full suite of virtual experiences proven to bring fans together online.

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